The Picarro L2140-i isotopic water analyzer enables simultaneous measurements of δ18O, δ17O, and δD, and determines17O-excess to sub 15 per meg (<0 .015‰) precision. scientists now have a simpler, less expensive option for high-precision measurements of water stable isotopes in liquids and vapor.
Measurements of17O-excess in conjunction with high precision measurements δ18O and δD enable geoscientists to enhance our understanding of present day climate and the interactions between the hydrosphere and biosphere, and to help reconstruct climates of the past. The ability
to quantify extremely small deviations in δ17O (i.e.,17O-excess), typically less than 0.1‰ in nature, is essential for paleoclimate, (eco) hydrology, and atmospheric science applications.
L2140-i Technical Specifications

Zhao Liqiang,13919796362