Monochromator: 1800 line /mm;
Wavelength range: 185-900nm;
Lamp holder: 8 lamp holder;
Background correction: electronically tuned deuterium hollow cathode lamp and three magnetic field Zeeman effect double button background;
Magnetic field intensity: 0.1-1.0T is adjustable, and can be switched between 2- Zeeman and 3- Zeeman mode;
Graphite furnace: horizontal heating graphite furnace, room temperature -3000 C temperature control, heating speed of 3000 seconds C/ seconds;
Automatic injector: 108 bits.
It has been widely used in metallurgy, geology, mining, oil, light industry, agriculture, medicine, health, food and environmental monitoring, and the analysis of trace elements and trace elements.
Place of storage:Guan Yun Building 1416
Person in charge:Wang houcheng