From May 19 to 21, 2023, the 18th Annual Conference on Theories and Methods of Geographic Information Science in China was successfully held in Guilin University of Technology. This conference is sponsored by the Working Committee of Geographic Information Science Theory and Method of China Geographic Information Industry Association and hosted by Guilin University of Technology. China Geographic Information Science Theory and Method Annual Conference is an annual "academic salon-style" seminar hosted by the Geographic Information Science Theory and Method Working Committee of China Geographic Information Industry Association. Since 2004, it has been successfully held for 17 sessions, and now it has become the grandest academic seminar in the GIS field in China. It has played a positive role in promoting the development of geographic information science and technology and constructing a better future of GIS.

Professor Liu Junzhi, Associate Professor Nian Yanyun and graduate student Che Minglu attended the meeting. The conference covered the topics of geographic information science theory, method, technology, application and industrialization, and was carried out in three forms: guest report, special report and chapter report. Mr. Cha Minglu, a graduate student majoring in cartography and Geographic information system, presented a poster titled "Study on the Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of human activities in Qilian Mountain National Park Based on Location Big Data", and Associate Professor Nian Yanyun presided over a sub-forum of young scholars at the conference. During the conference, the appointment of new working committee members was also carried out. Associate Professor Nian Yanyun was elected to the Working Committee of Geographical Information Science Theory and Method of China Geographic Information Industry Association.