On November 21, 2022, at the invitation of Professor Mou Cuicui from the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences of Lanzhou University, Professor Luo Yong from Tsinghua University taught the course "Introduction to Cryosphere Science" to our 2020 undergraduate students majoring in Physical Geography and Resources and Environment online.
Professor Luo Yong gave a comprehensive and detailed lecture on cryosphere component models and the prediction of cryosphere changes, mainly including climate system models, cryosphere component models, simulation of cryosphere processes, and climate change attribution. He also introduced climate change prediction and the prediction of cryosphere elements such as sea ice, snow, and permafrost change systematically with the latest scientific progress.

Rapporteur Profile:
Yong Luo is a professor and head of the Department of Earth System Science at Tsinghua University. He is mainly engaged in research in the fields of climate change, water, and renewable energy. He is the Vice Chair of the WCRP/Climate and Cryosphere China National Committee, the Vice Chair of the IUGG/IFCS China National Committee, the Vice President of China Cryosphere Science Society, and the Associate Editor of Advances in Climate Change Research. He is the coordinator of the Asian Lead Author (CLA) of Chapter 10 of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II (WGII) and the key project leader of the National Key R&D Program "Global Change and Response".