Qin Dahe, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, came to the Yuzhong campus of Lanzhou University on September 14 to gave a lecture to undergraduates on "Introduction to Cryosphere Science". "Introduction to Cryosphere Science" has been offered at Lanzhou University for five consecutive years and has achieved good results and improved teaching quality.
During the lecture, Academician Qin explained in detail the basic concepts of cryosphere science, the relationship between the cryosphere and climate system, the role of cryosphere science in social and economic development, cryosphere science, and geopolitics to the students majoring in Natural Geography in our college of 2018. Academician Qin pointed out that the proper use of cryosphere terminology should be learned, and special attention should be paid to IPCC AR6 and issues related to Cryosphere Science. In addition, he tested the students' professional English ability in class, encouraged them to learn English well, and placed high expectations on the students in the Department of Geography of Lanzhou University. This lecture enriched students' understanding of cryosphere science and climate change, stimulated students' interest in cryosphere science, and created an active atmosphere in the class. Academician Qin also presented books “Introduction to cryosphere Science”, “Vocabulary of Cryosphere Science”, “Cryosphere Science Dictionary” and “Journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences” to the more than 30 students attending the lecture.

Professor Pan Baotian, vice president of Lanzhou University, and Professor Gou Xiaohua, president of the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, attended the lecture and expressed their gratitude to Prof. Qin.