Reportedly, 305 Natural Science Prizes, Technological Inventio Prizes, Scientific and Technological Progress Prizes, and 10 Young Science Prizes were selected by theScience Research Famous Achievement Award in Higher Institution. Among them, Lanzhou University won the first prize for three scientific research achievements, two of which won the first prize of the Natural Science Award and one of which won the first prize of the Technological Invention Award.
Introduction to the research achievements:
1. First prize of Natural Science Award: Study on River System Development and Environmental Change in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yellow River (Main participants: Pan Baotian, Nie Junsheng, Hu Zhenbo, Hu Xiaofei, Gao Hongshan, Guan Qingyu)
The project put forward the development model of the Yellow River, revealing the climatic dynamic background of the river system evolution, and expounding the process and mechanism of the interaction between wind-sand and water-sand in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River at different spatial and temporal scales. The research results have provided a new conceptual model for constructing the theory of the giant river system evolution, and have been playing an important scientific supporting role in sediment disaster management in the Yellow River basin.

The research group is on a field research

Theconstruction of the river system development and geomorphologic evolution in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River
2. First prize of Natural Science Award: The Law of Plant Interaction and Material and Energy Metabolism under Different Environmental Conditions and its Regulation Mechanism (Main participants: Deng Jianming, Wang Genxuan, Liu Jianquan, Ran Jinzhi, Dai Xinfeng, Jia Xin, Zhang Weiping, Wang Zhiqiang)
The project revealed the energy distribution law of desert plants and the mechanism of, regulating the dynamic change of vegetation pattern, putting forward the balance theory of plant material and energy metabolism rate, establishing the general model of plant dynamic growth and competition, and constructing the theoretical system of estimating the optimal density of plant population. The series of achievements have developed the metabolic ecological theory system and provided important scientific and technological support for China's ecological protection and restoration, as well as the improvement of ecosystem stability and carrying capacity.

The research group conducted field experiments in Xinjiang desert

The relationship between plant population yield per unit area and density was established based on the optimal density model
3. First prize of Technological Invention Award: Key Mechanical Methods and Applications in the Research and Design of Superconducting Magnets (Main participants: Zhou Youhe, Wang Zhezhe, Zhang Xingyi, Guan Yingzhi, Wu Wei, Ma Lizhen)
The superconducting magnet is the basis of the high performance of many large scientific and engineering devices. Around key mechanical problems, the project has made effective breakthroughs. They independently built the international first superconducting wire/strip electromagnetic and thermal full background field measurement and control device. The superconducting strip joint with the lowest resistance and the highest strength isproduced by the new technology. A new technique ofstrain gauge high-precision measurement is developed, and a new method of strain quench detection is proposed. An effective theoretical method of multi-field coupling nonlinear mechanics is established. These achievements contributed to the successful production of more than a hundred superconducting magnets.

The research group discussed with Academician Li Jiangang about the instrument