On November 18, Prof. Zhao Pengjun from Peking University visited the Lanzhou University and gave an academic report entitled “Space Planning and Sustainable Transportation” in the conference room on the second floor of the Academic Exchange Center of Yuzhong Campus. Prof. Yang Yongchun presided over the report.

The report started with the research field of traffic geography, expounding the subject composition and current hot research. Then he takes Beijing as an example to compare the advantages and disadvantages of many current policies onmitigationof trafficcongestion and put forward the scientific problem of how to alleviate traffic congestion through reasonable space planning. After that, Prof. Zhao introduced how to use emerging big data and social research data to design urban space, and discussed the efficiency and negative impact of spatial planning on solving traffic congestion. After the report, many teachers and students had a full discussion on the issue of public transport policy with Pro. Zhao and benefited a lot.