Recently, Li Guoqiang et al who are team members of Academician Chen Fahu of College of Earth and Environmental Sciences published their research results entitled “Differential ice volume and orbital modulation of Quaternary moisture patterns between Central and East Asia” in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters. It was the third time in the past five years that the research team published the research results in the journal with the first author. The study of past climate change and its driving mechanism in Central Asia can provide an important basis for understanding the climate change mechanism of Eurasia and the major scientific issues such as the East Asian summer monsoon-wester wind system interaction.

Li Guoqiang is the first author and the corresponding author of the article, and Lanzhou University is the firstauthor affiliation of the research results. Many well-known scholars at home and abroad from Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, Uppsala University, Nanjing University, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Hunan Normal University, Zhejiang Normal University, and Northwest Normal University participated in this research. The research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41771210, 41571181), the major project of the Fund Committee (No. 41790423) and the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research.