At the invitation of Professor Li Zhuolun from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences and the Center for Glaciology and Desert Research at Lanzhou University, Professor Yang Xiaoping from Zhejiang University will visit our school on June 14, 2024, to engage in academic exchange and deliver a lecture. Faculty and students are welcome to attend!
Reporter: Professor Yang Xiaoping, Zhejiang University
Title: Deserts and Environmental Changes in China: A Case Study of the Southern Xinjiang Deserts and Inner Mongolia Desert Areas
Moderator: Professor Li Zhuolun, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University
Time: Friday, June 14, 2024, 10:30-11:30 AM
Venue: Room 1615, Guanyun Building, Chengguan Campus, Lanzhou University

Expert Profile:
Yang Xiaoping is a professor at the School of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University. His research primarily focuses on desert geomorphology, environmental changes in arid regions, desertification and aeolian disaster prevention, ancient climate and water resources in arid areas, and oasis evolution. He graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Department of Geography at Shaanxi Normal University in 1984. The same year, he was admitted to the Lanzhou Desert Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a graduate student specializing in aeolian geomorphology and desertification. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Göttingen in Germany in 1992. Professor Yang was selected for the Chinese Academy of Sciences' "Hundred Talents Program" in 1998 (he was a researcher at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 1998 to 2017). In 2004, he received support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Distinguished Young Scholars program. He has been awarded the Huang Jiqing Young Geoscientist Award, the Farouk El-Baz Desert Research Award, and the Humboldt Research Award. He was elected a fellow of the Geological Society of America. His research has been recognized as one of the "Top Ten Advances in Chinese Geographic Science in 2021" and "Top Ten Advances in Geological Science and Technology in 2023."
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University
June 12, 2024