At the invitation of Prof. He Chansheng from the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Prof. Joseph Holden, director of the Water Resources Centre at the University of Leeds (water@leeds), will give an academic lecture to our students and teachers on April 21, 2022. Welcome to attend!
Speaker: Professor Joseph Holden
Title: Peatland hydrology and carbon cycling in a changing world
Host: Professor He Chansheng
ReportTime: April 21, 2022, 19:30
Conference Information: Conference ID (Zoom ID): 899 299 2299; Password: 123456;
Conference link:

Expert Profile:
Joseph Holden holds a BA from the University of Cambridge, a PhD in Geography from Durham University, head of the Department of Geography at the University of Leeds, and Director of the Water Resources Centre (water@leeds, the world's largest integrated hydrology and water resources research centre). He is a Fellow of the British Royal Geographical Society and Meteorological Society. He is the recipient of the Philip Leverhulme Award and Gordon Warwick Award from the British Geomorphological Society. His research focuses on the effects of peatland hydrology and carbon dynamics, watershed hydrology, and land management on flood and soil processes. Dr Holden has published over 180 papers/monographs in Nature and other journals, and he is the chief editor of mainstream undergraduate textbooks on water resources (Water Resources: an integrated approach, 2ndedition) and physical geography (An Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment, 4thedition). Dr Holden has supervised 29 PhD students, presided over more than 100 research projects and is a reviewer for more than 20 international research institutions and 50 international journals.