Invited by Professor Xu Zhang, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Professor Anne de Vernal from the Institution of Geotop, University of Quebec in Montreal, will make an academic presentation titled “The challenge of reconstruction of sea-ice”. Welcome!
Time: on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, at 9:30 a.m.
Site: Lecture room 907, Guanyun Building, Lanzhou University
Lecturer profile
Professor Anne de Vernal is a world-famous micropaleontologist, paleoclimatologist andpaleoceanographer. As the chief of the “Strategic Research Project for Arctic Climate and Evolution—Past and Future” and thespokesperson of the “International Training Program for North Atlantic and Northern Canada Climate Change and Impact”, she has participated in the ODP-IODP voyage many times.She pioneered the methodology of using micropaleontology to trace paleoclimate and paleoceanic evolution at different time scales, particularly in the field ofdinocysts for tracing Arctic sea ice evolution and reconstructing subarctic climate.She has published more than 200 papers in top journals such as Science, Natureand their subordinate academic serials, and Quaternary Science Reviews. She has served as Director of the Geotop, Director of the IODP Canada Office, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Aarhus, Denmark and the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. She is currently a member of the Royal Society of Canada.