报 告 人:刘琳 副教授 香港中文大学
报告题目:Deep Learning for Cryospheric Sciences
主 持 人:牟翠翠 教授

刘琳,香港中文大学地球与环境科学系副教授,地球与大气科学系研究生部主任、太空与地球信息科学研究所研究员、能源与可持续发展研究所研究员。主要从事将地球物理、大地测量、深度学习等技术应用于冰冻圈变化研究,相关研究成果在国际一流期刊Nature Climate Change、EPSL、GRL、Remote Sensing of Environment、The Cryosphere、JGR等发表50余篇。以创新方法推进大地测量学发展,对学界贡献颇多,被美国地理物理协会颁发2021年度John Wahr青年科学家奖,是香港首位获得此殊荣的青年科学家。【John Wahr青年科学家奖于2005年首次颁发,以已故国际著名地球物理學家John Wahr教授嘉名命名,每年颁发一次,表彰四十岁或以下并在大地测量科学、技术、应用、观测或理论方面贡献重大的年轻学者】
In the era of big data and artificial intelligence, deep learning has emerged as an innovative and important tool in cryosphere remote sensing and modeling and has been applied to nearly all cryospheric components in the Arctic, Antarctica, and high mountain regions. In this talk, I will summarize the exciting and diverse applications of deep learning in cryospheric sciences. Even though most of the published studies in the past five years were demonstrative in nature, these early efforts have successfully proved the effectiveness, robustness, and generalization capability of deep learning in retrieving the patterns of spatial, temporal, and spectral signatures of the cryosphere in remote sensing data, characterizing cryospheric dynamics at local and regional scales, as well as establishing non-linear links between cryospheric processes and various topo-climatic variables.